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Palm Reading – Guide, Palmistry with the meaning of palm reading or hand prediction is to learn a person's personalities and fortune and future by analyzing his/her hands Palmistry with the meaning of palm reading or hand prediction is to learn a person’s personalities, and fortune, and future by analyzing his/her hands. It is also called Chiromancy. In fact, palmistry not only refers to the reading of one’s hand or palm, but it also includes the reading of arm, finger, and fingernail. By reading one’s palm lines, hand shape and size, finger length, and flexibility, fingernails can predict his character traits, health, wealth, wisdom, career and marriage and many more aspects.

Origin of Palmistry
Origin of Palmistry

Origin of Palmistry

The palmistry has its roots in Indian, and Chinese astrology as well as Roma fortune-telling & From the ancient remaining record of the frescoes in ruins of India and words

passed down from Brahmanism, and we can find palmistry was very popular in India at that time In China, palmistry also has a long history.

Since the Zhou Dynasty which is about three thousand years ago, it has prevailed.

andThe first comparatively complete and systematic palmistry work in China appeared in the Western Han Dynasty (202 BC – 9 AD) which was written by Xu-Fu.

In this article, and we introduce how the Chinese people read palms in general.

Before reading your palm, you should choose the right hand to read, and There are different schools of thought on this matter.

Some people think the right for female and left for a male and As a matter of fact, both of your hands play great importance in hand reading &

But one is dominant and the other is passive, and The left hand usually represents what you were born physically and materially and the right hand represents what you become

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After grown-up and So, the right hand is dominant in palm reading and the left for a supplement.

In palmistry, there are mainly three major lines to read which are Life Line, Head Line (also Wisdom Line), and Heart Line (also Love Line).

Besides, there are also some minor lines which are also important in palm line reading such as Marriage line, Fate line and Sunline, Children Line, Money Line, Health Line, Travel

Line, Bracelet Line, Line of Mars, Ring of Solomon, Ring of Saturn, and Girdle of Venus, Ring of Apollo and Ring of Mercury.

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